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Goddess Grove is a sacred space in which Goddess energy can be celebrated and the sacred feminine spirit can be nurtured and honoured!

My journey supporting and empowering women has been a very long and rich journey.  For over 30yrs in both QLD and NSW I have facilitated women's circles, workshops and groups, creating a safe and supportive Sisterhood.

Goddess Grove provides Goddess Circle Groups, Ritual Circles, Meditation Groups, Workshops, Australian Bushflower Consults and Reiki Healing and Courses.

At Goddess Grove we support many charities and act as a drop off point and network for those. Charities such as Survivors R Us, NOVA, Share the Dignity, Our Backyard and local Women's Refuges.


Crystal Magick is our shop that is within the Goddess Grove space. Please see our Crystal Magick Shoppe tab for more information.

Enter and be welcome ~ come and explore, chat, dance, learn, have a cuppa and rejoice in celebrating the Divine Feminine as She returns to balance our world, our hearts and Earthwalk...and may our circle continue to grow...ever expanding...sharing in the many blessings of Sisterhood!

Blessed Be
Sue xxx

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